Macromolecular Proton Fraction (MPF): Quantitative Myelin Mapping Technique for Neuroscience

Resource User Agreement


The website and any downloadable material from this website including but not limited to software codes and executables, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocols, supporting information, and documentation are the components of the High-Impact Neuroscience Research Resource “QUANTITATIVE MYELIN MAPPING IN VIVO FOR CLINICAL AND PRE-CLINICAL MRI” hereinafter referred to as Resource. The Resource has been developed at the University of Washington by a team of researchers directed by the Principal Investigator, Vasily L. Yarnykh, PhD, hereinafter referred to as Team, and financially supported by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), hereinafter referred to as Sponsor, under Award Number R24NS104098. By submitting the Registration Form on the website, you agree to become a Member of the Resource User Community hereinafter referred to as User and accept the following terms and conditions:


1.     The User agrees to provide required minimal personal information including name, affiliation, location, and valid email address to complete registration by submitting the Registration Form on the website


2.     The Team will not sell, trade, rent or otherwise disclose personal information gathered from the User to third parties except as may be required by law.


  1. Upon completing registration, non-exclusive, non-transferrable, perpetual permission is hereby granted to the User, free of charge, to download, use, copy, modify, merge, or display any downloadable material from the website, subject to the conditions and restrictions herein. The User gains full access to all downloadable materials upon successfully creating a unique Username and a Password.


4.     The Resource has been designed for research and educational purposes only. The User acknowledges that clinical applications of any downloadable material are neither recommended nor advised.


5.     Commercial use of any downloadable material from the website by the User is not permitted. Commercial use is defined herein as the use of any downloadable material or any modification of it for: (1) sale or licensing; (2) integration into a product for sale or licensing; (3) providing any services for which payment is received or expected; (4) development of a product for sale or licensing; and (5) conducting research with the final aim of developing a product for sale or licensing. Anyone interested in commercial use of the Resource or any component of it should contact the Principal Investigator ( or CoMotion at the University of Washington (


  1. Any downloadable material from the website is provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness to a particular purpose, and non-infringement. In no event shall the University of Washington, the Team, and the Sponsor be liable for any claim, damages, or other liability of any kind arising from, out of, or in connection with any material downloaded from the website or any component of the Resource or any use of it. The use of the Resource and any material downloaded from the website is at the User’s own risk.


  1. By conveying any downloadable material via the website, the Team has no obligation to the User or any other party to provide support in any form or to replace any downloaded material, should it become erased or otherwise destroyed. Additionally, the Team has no obligation to provide the User with any service, guidance, updates, or assistance; however, the Team may choose to do so at their own discretion.


  1. Some downloadable materials on the website may be under licenses and terms not mentioned in this Agreement or may be under the copyright of their authors or other parties. It is the responsibility of the User to investigate and fulfill any requirements of these applicable license and copyright terms for each downloadable material, particularly including software codes and files in proprietary formats.


  1. The Team expressly retain all rights to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, or erase any downloadable material from the website for any purpose.


10.  The Team may occasionally contact the User by email to inform about website updates, news, events, new downloadable materials, or other announcements. The User may opt out of emails from the Team by sending an email with the word “Unsubscribe” in the subject line to


11.  The User agrees to acknowledge the Resource and support of the Resource by the Sponsor in any and all publications, oral and written presentations, and disclosures resulting from the use of any downloadable material from the website Acknowledgement should contain the following or similar language:


“Software for reconstruction of macromolecular proton fraction (MPF) maps [or any other component of the Resource, for example, other software tools, MRI protocols, test images, image processing scripts] was/were obtained from [adopted from, provided by] the research resource supported by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) grant R24NS104098 and is/are available online at”


The User may modify the above statement while preserving the reference to the NIH/NINDS Award Number R24NS104098.


12.  The User agrees to cite appropriate publications that describe the underlying methodology, technical background, and relevant applications of the Resource or any component of it in any and all publications, oral and written presentations, and disclosures resulting from the use of any downloadable material from the website The current list of relevant publications can be found in the “Publications” section on the website


13.  The Team will notify the User about any changes made to this Agreement via email or notice placed on the website